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During the winter many people with Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia can struggle and generally have a much harder time managing day to day. Short days and long nights can result in worsening of symptoms due to the lack of daylight hours, tiredness and medication side effects. This is often called Sundowning.

A Winter season also means that bad weather can lead to being stuck indoors more often. Finding some Winter Activities for Parkinson’s and Dementia that can increase stimulation, distraction and fun whilst managing their symptoms can be difficult for carers and family.

.Eyeglasses and Cup of Tea on the Stacks of Books in winter

This blog post will hopefully give you some ideas and inspiration to help get you through the coming Winter.

Puzzles for Parkinson’s and Dementia

Puzzles can be a great activity. They can provide stimulation and distraction. There are different types of puzzles that can provide activity. There are a variety to suit all stages of illness and disability.

Puzzles are a good choice of indoor winter activity for someone with Parkinson’s and Dementia as they can help keep the brain active.

lady with dementia doing a puzzle activity in a newspaper

A newspaper or magazine puzzle can be stimulating for someone who is in early to middle stage of dementia . Some puzzle magazines are designed with Dementia in mind and provide a variety of puzzles games to keep someone occupied.

Jigsaw puzzles are a great winter activity for dementia too. There are some jigsaw puzzles for dementia in different stages that have bigger pieces making it easier to manage and can provide hours of fun.

Shape sorting puzzles are a good activity to help keep someone with dementia stimulated and distracted for short periods. A wooden shape puzzle with large pieces is best for co-ordination allowing independence.

Card Games for Dementia Activity in Wintersomeone with dementia and Parkinson's playing card game during winter

Card games with familiar sayings and lyrics are a great activity that can create fun and distraction. Playing cards can pass some time when indoors in winter for someone with dementia and Parkinson’s.

Trivia cards that can create conversation and reminiscing about familiar memories are a great activity idea for someone with dementia and Parkinson’s. Conversation cards can involve all the family therefore creating a sense of belonging.

Crafting Activities during Winter for Dementia and Parkinson’s

Crafting during winter with someone with Parkinson’s and Dementia is a great indoor activity. Being creative can help stimulate the brain and memory.

Colouring books are a great simple activity. Simple pictures to colour can be a great distraction and have a calming effect.

It is common to find that many with dementia will have forgotten how to draw. Colouring in ready made pictures is something that they may enjoy.

More easy grip pencil crayons are often much easier to grip and are more clean and easy to use. Instead of buying more expensive designed crayon pencils. Chunky tubes to put on the crayons are a cheaper way. Chunky tubes can help grip the crayons much more easily and be used on pencils too.

Making cards is a very popular crafting pastime; particularly if its coming up to Christmas. Making cards to gift to others is very gratifying.

Helping them to cut out pictures or even pictures that they have coloured in to stick on card is fun and can have a calming effect.

Cutting out can help with hand and eye co-ordination whilst sticking down pictures onto card helps to focus. It would add a sense of achievement and accomplishment. From cute cottage pictures to Christmas themed pictures. Making cards for any occasion is very satisfying.

Indoor Exercises – winter activity for Parkinson’s and Dementia

Its important to keep as mobile as possible and if stuck indoors during winter, it can be difficult for anyone with dementia and Parkinson’s to maintain mobility and a level of fitness.

There are some simple exercises that anyone with Parkinson’s and dementia can do indoors at any time of the year. During the winter months it becomes more difficult to get outside. Some gentle exercise can be a great activity that you can do together.

Chair yoga, for example can be perfect for someone with limited mobility and can be done whilst sat in their favourite comfy chair. Chair yoga can be done anywhere in the home seated and therefore a versatile indoor exercise.

Indoor bowling or Skittles is an enjoyable activity to do indoors during winter months.

You can buy a simple set of skittles or bowling sets that can be done safely indoors. This type of activity can be a great exercise for slow movement whilst helping with hand eye co=ordination. Playing a simple bowling or skittle game can be fun whilst creating gentle exercise.

Dancing to their favourite music and songs is a great way to stay active indoors. Music is extremely therapeutic and many always will remember words to songs of the past and recognise their favourite music. Music creates great enjoyment. Dancing together to their favourite tunes allows enjoyable exercise in a safe environment.

Playing Board Games

Playing a favourite and familiar board game is a fun activity that can be done with family and friends. The right game that is familiar, not too skill demanding and does not require a great deal of concentration is a good balance. A quiet game that does not require too many people, particularly children is best as too much noise and activity can be overstimulating.

A simple compendium of traditional board games designed for dementia is a good choice. These often include games such as Ludo, Snakes and Ladders etc.

Simple games such as Tic Tac Toe designed with dementia and Parkinson’s in mind with bigger accessories and designs make it a perfect choice for someone with limited dexterity and memory.

My top choice of activities listed above are just a few ideas with the winter months in mind. When caring for someone with Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia, the long dark and cold winter months are a challenge and wonder how we will get through it.

The list above is a starting point when you are looking for something to do to occupy, calm and stimulate. Whichever is enjoyed is a good choice and worthwhile doing.

Would love to know what your experiences of winter and activity ideas you have found helpful. Please share!!

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